Unreal Engine – Easy Survival RPG v4 UE8616

Easy Survival RPG v4

Number of Blueprints: 474 Blueprint Classes, 22 Enumerations, 76 Structures

Number of Animations: 587 Animation Sequences, 95 Skeletal Meshes, 38 Skeletons, 42 Blend Spaces, 37 Animation Montages, 12 Aim Offsets, 25 Animation Blueprints

Number of Meshes: 622 Static Meshes, 95 Skeletal Meshes

Number of Materials: 64 Master Materials, 171 Instances, 6 Functions, 3 Collections

Number of Textures: 321 Icons, 117 Textures, 96 UI Images, 2 Splash Images, 10 Loading Screen Images

Number of Sounds: 932 Sounds Wavs, 312 Sound Cues, 8 Sound Attenuations, 4 Sound Classes, 1 Sound Class Mix

Number of Miscellaneous: 37 Data Tables, 42 Effects, 7 Levels

Input: Keyboard, Mouse

Network ReplicatedYesFull Multiplayer Support

Target Platform: PC

Important Note: Easy Survival RPG contains commented blueprints.