Unreal Engine –GAS Companion UE293

GAS Companion

It includes the necessary initial C++ setup, helpers and additional features to get started on a new project that aims to use Epic’s GAS plugin (used namely in Fortnite and Paragon, and showcased in Action RPG project)

It enables non C++ developers to work with GAS using only Blueprints. Even non BP friendly, c++ required parts of GAS like Gameplay Attributes can be handled with a custom C++ generation Wizard for Attribute Sets.

Similarly, GAS Companion can help existing projects that are considering the use of GAS and accelerate the implementation, or provide guidance.

  • Support for Modular Gameplay and Game Features (5.0 / 4.27 only)
  • Enhanced Input Integration (5.0 / 4.27 only)
  • Provided as a Plugin to easily share code between projects
  • Blueprint Friendly, no need to dive into the cpp side, you can implement Abilities right away
  • C++ Friendly too! You can easily extend from the provided C++ class and / or modify the plugin source.
  • Not Game Specific The plugin doesn’t make any assumptions about your game design and decisions, and was built to be generic enough to be used in any kind of game.
  • Flexible AttributeSet / Attributes framework Generate custom Attributes from the Editor with a hand-crafted AttributeSet Wizard.
  • Ability Queue System (with a Debug Widget! more information below)
  • Ignore Ability Cost feature (Possibility to “loosely” check cost for Abilities, more information here)
  • Melee Combo System Easy way to define melee abilities with combo capabilities
  • Gameplay Ability / Effects Definitions Data Driven way to specify common parent GA / GE classes that are accessible through File Menu
  • Straightforward UI framework with HUD UserWidget able to react to GAS related events (Support for custom attributes and events to listen for GameplayTags, GameplayEffects and CooldownStart / End)
  • AttributeSet default setup with most commonly used Attributes (Health, Stamina, Mana)
  • ASC on PlayerState (for Player characters) or on Pawns (for AI / NPC Characters)
  • AI Tasks Activate Abilities by Tags or Class from Behavior Trees


Ability Queue System

  • Store failed abilities and re-trigger when the previous running ability ends

Custom AbilitySystemComponent and GameplayAbility

  • Support for startup Attributes, Effects and Abilities
  • Activate abilities by Class / Tags (and return the activated ability)
  • Abilities with onAbilityEnded delegate (useful for Behavior Tree Tasks)
  • Abilities with Gameplay Effect Containers (inspired by Action RPG project)

Modular Gameplay Actors

  • Supports extension by Game Features and implements IAbilitySystemInterface

Component based Most of the API is provided by Actor Components (Core / Combo / Ability Queue)

  • Ability System helpers (Ability activation, Checking for GameplayTags, …)
  • Ability, Attributes and Character lifecycle Events (OnAbilityActivated / Commit / Ended / Failed, OnAttributeChange, OnDamage, OnDeath, OnGameplayTagChange, OnGameplayEffectStackChange, OnCooldownStart / End, …)

Technical Details

Code Modules:

  • GASCompanion (Runtime)
  • GASCompanionEditor (Editor)
  • GASCompanionDeveloper (UncookedOnly)
  • ModularGASCompanion (Runtime) – 4.27 only (removed in 5.0)
  • ModularGASCompanionEditor (Editor) – 4.27 only (removed in 5.0)

Number of Blueprints: 19

Number of C++ Classes: 103

Network Replicated: Yes

Version: 5.3.0 (5.0)

  • Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux
  • Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux

Version: 3.4.0 (4.27) 2.1.1 (4.26) / 1.1.2 (4.24-4.25)

  • Supported Development Platforms: Windows / Mac
  • Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Mac, Xbox One, PS4