Unreal Engine – Spline Grind Rail Builder UE8585

Spline Grind Rail Builder


  • The Spline Mesh BP creates Rails and Ziplines automatically.
  • A test Level with rails and ziplines to move around.
  • The Grind Rail Component handles all the logic to grind and sprint on rails / use ziplines.
  • Speed Up Item increases Speed.
  • Coins can be grabbed but the logic after that depends on what the user needs for the project.

Number of Blueprints: 1 Character Component, 1 Pulley BP, 1 Spline Mesh BP for creating rails and ziplines

Input: Gamepad, Keyboard and Mouse

Network Replicated: Not Supported

Supported Development Platforms: Tested on Windows 64 bit

Windows: Yes

Mac: No

Documentation: Version 2 Documentation / Version 1 Documentation

Important/Additional Notes: This product includes some of Epic’s demo assets inside the Demo folder