Unreal Engine – SVG Importer Plugin UE8554

SVG Importer Plugin

Supports importing as

1. rasterized rendering (color texture)

2. multi-channel signed distance field

3. conventional signed distance field

4. pseudo-signed distance field

Note: For the distance fields, you need a special material, check out the example project (you can open it even without buying the plugin)!

List of Features:

• Supports automatic re-import on source file changes

• Extremely fast rasterized rendering, even large SVGs of several MB are no problem

• Imported textures have powers of two dimension (e.g. 64×64, 128×128, …) or the SVG’s native resolution

• Automatically scales and auto-frames the SVG to the target texture size

Note: due to the complexity of the SVG format, some advanced features like filters are not supported.

Network Replicated: N/A

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Supported Target Build Platforms: All platforms

Documentation Included: see youtube.com/watch?v=MvokfyihNXs

Example Project: Google Drive