Unreal Surveillance Camera Madness UE7130

Surveillance Camera Madness

Preview: YouTube

Tutorial: Youtube

Camera-Tracking Preview: Youtube

The Surveillance Camera Madness pack offers an optimized system to control multiple surveilance cameras and monitors. It was build with performance and usability in mind to allow for easy implementation in your projects.

You can easily use your own meshes with this system.

The pack uses scene captures, so you’ve all supported post-processing effects available. Some – however – are not working with scene captures. (Screen Percentage, Post Process Materials, and some more.)

You can do all Kinds of crazy stuff with it besides using it as a surveillance camera system:

  • Use it as fake mirror
  • Build crazy monitor walls
  • Project the camera image on any mesh
  • many more…

technical details


  • optimized camera streaming to multiple monitors.
  • Camera and monitor meshes can be swapped easily.
  • Full control of camera rotation, 5 different camera rotation modes, custom rotation-curve support. new modes can be easily added.
  • Dynamic camera FPS and resolution settings
  • Control camera post processing settings (Bloom, Blur, Color Grading, Dirt Mask …)
  • In-Editor camera preview
  • changeable monitor overlays
  • Camera tracking for multiple objects

Number of Blueprints:

Blueprints: 5 Total

  • 1 Surveillance Camera BP
  • 1 Surveillance Monitor BP
  • 3 Showroom BP (GameMode and 2x Character)
  • 1 Animation BP

Meshes: 19 Total

  • 2 Low-Poly Camera meshes
  • 3 Low-Ploy Camera Mounts
  • 4 Low-Poly Monitor meshes
  • 1 Skeletal Monitor Mesh (2 Animations)
  • 3 Showroom Meshes
  • 5 other


  • 18 Materials (6 for the camera system)


  • 9 Textures

Supported Development Platforms: (PC)

Supported Target Build Platforms: (PC, Console)

Important/Additional Notes:


  • Camera resolution > Viewport resolution may cause unexspected Errors in the standalone game, not in PIE.
  • Even If the system is very optimised, it needs much resources. especially with big camera resolutions or high camera FPS you can kill slow PCs. be aware of it.