Unreal Spotlight Reveal UE7120
The Spotlight Reveal pack provides Blueprints and materials that let you use a Spotlight component to reveal previously hidden materials or modify them wherever the Spotlight points at.
Use the Spotlight Reveal to implement features such as:
- Hidden messages/decals in the environment that’ll show up when the Spotlight goes over them.
- A black light used in police investigations to reveal evidence in the environment, such as bloodstains that were previously not visible.
- Change the appearance of characters, surfaces, or props when they are pointed at with the Spotlight Reveal.
- Anything else you can think of!
technical details
- 2 Blueprints, 1 Blueprint Function Library.
- 3 example Materials, 1 Material Function, 1 Material Parameter Collection.
- 1 map which showcases the feature with a first person character.
- Assets from Epic’s ContentExamples and the StarterContent folder are used in the project as example assets to showcase the Spotlight Reveal’s features.
Input: Keyboard, Gamepad Controller, VR motion controllers.
Platform: Windows PC (should work on the rest of the platforms as well).
Important/Additional Notes: only works with Spotlight components.
Contact/Support: If you have any questions, requests, or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment below or email me at caalonso811@gmail.com.
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