Unity-First Person Exploration Kit U3709

First Person Exploration Kit

Fully compatible with Unity 5.6.7+, 2017, 2018 and Unity 2019. Use Unity’s UI Canvas System.

The First Person Exploration Kit is a complete resource pack for creating first-person environmental exploration or adventure games.

It contains everything you need to start creating.

Upgrading from version 1.2? View the migration guide

Now with Doors & Drawers you can dig through desks, cupboards, storage cabinets and more!
Equipped with a save game system with automatic saving of level changes (designed specifically for Windows PCs)
Complete menu system, UI elements and graphics with templates
Complete character controller, you can choose running, jumping and crouching actions.
Built-in keyboard, mouse, and XBox gamepad support with expandable input system
Contains 10 different basic interaction types that can be used to create many interesting ways to interact with the game world
Dozens of complex examples and custom pre-made interactable objects
Includes 10 Photoshop templates to fully customize UI and game graphics
Contains over 100 interactive sound effects
50+ demo modes with built-in Photoshop source files
Complete setup and customization guide documentation covering all aspects of resource packs
Contains demo and test scenarios
Fully customizable!

Try the Windows demo. (Or download the host). The resource pack comes with all demo scenes.