Unity – Invector Third Person Controller – Shooter Template U3509

Invector Third Person Controller - Shooter Template

⭐ Shooter Features ⭐
– Shooter Behavior & Animations (Basic & Melee features already included)
– Parabolic bullets with trajectory renderer
– Throwing objects with rail system (grenades, bottles, etc.)
– Optional shooting weapons for melee attacks
– Advanced damage based on distance and speed
– Tag-based throwables (different materials)
– Advanced scope viewing
– Aiming system with dispersion, range, firing rate, recoil and more
– Can launch particles, sounds, and custom bullets when attacking
– Contains archery system
– Advanced weapon/attitude based inverse dynamics tuning system
– Tons of customization elements to create different types of weapons
– Secondary shooting that can create powerful weapons
– Blind shot

⭐ Melee Features ⭐
– Melee Combat Behavior & Animations (Basic Locomotion features already included)
– Use different movement settings, attack, defense, shot reaction and shot recoil for each weapon
– Inventory examples, picking up, dropping and destroying items
– Includes simple melee AI as a bonus (check out our [FSM AI Template] for advanced AI information)
– storage manager
– Different types of potions to restore health or increase health/stamina
– Stamina based combat system (optional)
– lock target system

⭐ Basic Movement Functions ⭐
– Basic movement behavior and animation
– Advanced third person view system
– Dash, jump, crouch, roll
– Jump, climb or step over obstacles
– Generic action system for triggering simple animations
– Ladder system
– Ragdoll system
– footstep system
– Multiple Util scripts to help you develop your game
– Contains isometric, 2.5D platformer, top-down, and mobile demo scenes