Unreal Engine – Complete Animals UE5036
Technical Details
Realistic models, animations and textures
These have an animation set necessary for moving around with root motion(WalkForward, TurnRight, TurnLeft, WalkBack) except swimming and flying.
Some models, such as birds, include BPs with IK settings.
Includes third person character BP for animation test.
Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes(Except insects and frog)
Rigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic skeleton: No
Animated: Yes
Number of characters:63
Vertex counts of characters:1000-30000
Texture Resolutions:512×512-4096×4096
Number of Animations:4592(When counting InPlace variations as different. )
Animation types (Root Motion/In-place):Both(Other than swimming and flying animations)
Supported Development Platforms:Windows, Mac OS(Except for Groom assets.)
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Mac OS(Except for Groom assets.)