Unity – NodeCanvas U3094

● Choose from three fully switchable graphics modules.
● Stylish and intuitive visual node editor with all expected professional features.
(Undo/Redo All, Zoom In/Out, Mini Map, Multi-Select, Copy, Copy/Paste, JSON Import/Export, Groups, Notes, etc.)
● Graph, GameObject and global blackboard variables to create reusable and agent-centric parametric behaviors.
● Data-bound variables with instance or static properties and fields.
● Use UNET’s Network Sync Variable.
(Since UNET is now deprecated, it will be replaced by a new network solution)
● Variables that can be overridden by prefabs.
● Automatic conversion of different variable data types.
● Supports all variable types out of the box.
● Reusable behavior graphs across all numbers of agents.
● Seamless sprite nesting between all three graphic modules.
(behavior subtree, substate machine, subdialog tree)
● Full subplot variable parameterization and mapping.
● Modular action and condition task design.
● Conditioned Response Behavior Tree Evaluation.
● Conditional and stack-based FSM transitions.
● Colorful and informative runtime visual debugging.
● Node/task browser to search, favorite and read built-in documentation.
● Preferred Type Configurator to customize type-related menus to project needs.
● Graphical mini-map for easy graphical browsing.
● Graphical console, which can automatically locate faulty nodes with a click of the mouse.
● Graph browser to search and find nodes, tasks and parameters in the graph.
● Graph reconstructor to bulk reconstruct missing nodes, tasks and reflection references.
● Real-time runtime editing to achieve design goals more quickly.
● Optimized reflection tasks to automatically integrate existing code APIs.
● Built-in event system to communicate and transfer data in graphics.
● Clear and well-documented API to extend the NodeCanvas framework and create your own actions, conditions, nodes, and even entirely new graphics modules.
● Object and Property Painters to customize the inspector in every possible way.
● Integrate with a large number of third-party resources.
● Seamless integration with FlowCanvas flowScripts.
● User friendly. lightweight. No setup is required.
● Stable performance. Zero allocated after initialization. Asynchronous graph loading.
● Supports all platforms out of the box.
● Full C# source code included!