Unreal Engine – Custom Lens Flare Tool UE2340

Custom Lens Flare Tool

Technical Details

Number of Materials:
• 4 Master Materials
• 23 Material InstancesDo Materials derive from a Master Material with instances as variation: (Yes)

Number of Textures:
• 26 Textures

Texture Resolution (complete list):
• 2048×1024 (3)
• 1024×1024 (19)
• 2048×512 (2)
• 2048×256 (1)
• 2048×64 (1)

Number of Blueprints
• 1 Main blueprint
• 1 UMG widget
• 1 Tutorial oriented blueprint

Intended Platform: PC
Platforms Tested: PC
Documentation Included: Yes (In educational map)

Important\Additional Notes:
• Not Intended for VR
• Lens flares require you to play to see