Unreal Engine – BackgroundBlur With Mask UE988

BackgroundBlur With Mask

Improve Unreal’s origin BackgroundBlur widget, so that a mask texture (or material) can be applied to control the blur effect region.

Youtube Tutorial Video: [link]

Bilibili Tutorial Video for Chinese users: [link]

Technical Details


  • Support applying a mask texture.
  • Support using material as a mask. (Updated 2022-10-10)
  • Support switching mask channels (RGBA) of the texture.
  • Support changing mask texture and texture channels in blueprint at runtime.
  • Demo level included for an example of integration.

Code Modules:

  •  BackgroundBlurWithMask – Runtime

Number of Blueprints: 4

Number of C++ Classes: 10

Supported Development Platforms: Win64, Win32

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64, Win32, IOS, Android

Precautions before buying:

  • Besides a mask texture (or material) that can be applied, the widget should work the same as the original background blur widget.
  • The performance of the widget is almost the same as the original background blur widget.
  • The widget can not be used as a 3D widget.
  • The widget can not be used in a Retainer Box.
  • The original background blur widget in UE5 supports adjusting Corner Radius.