Unreal Engine – Auto Settings UE1437

Auto Settings


  • Settings and input binding without code or blueprint, just place widgets in your UI
  • Loads, saves and applies automatically using Unreal’s systems
  • Easy to restyle for your project
  • Add a setting by placing a widget in your menu and setting a console variable
  • Use any of the hundreds of Unreal’s built in console variables
  • Add new console variables, in code or in blueprint – create additional settings Unreal doesn’t have already
  • Apply and save automatically, or have the user press a button
  • Flexible, restylable controls: Radio Buttons, Slider, Spinner, ComboBox, and CheckBox
  • Extend the system with your own widgets for more specific cases
  • Input binding uses Unreal’s input system, works with your existing input
  • Place widgets in your menu and choose which action or axis they are for
  • Allow separate mappings per player
  • Handles multiple bindings for the same action, which can also be separated by key groups such as Keyboard and Gamepad
  • Whitelist/blacklist specific keys
  • Modifier keys
  • Display inputs as icons instead of text
  • Access input icon anywhere in your project, always show correct icons
  • Elegant switching between icon sets (XBox, PlayStation, Small, Large, etc)