Unreal Engine – WorldScape Plugin – Making real planets and Endless worlds UE1425

WorldScape Plugin - Making real planets and Endless worlds


  • ClipMap’s based terrain technology. View
  • Create infinitely large and tiny flat/spherical worlds.
  • Smart terrain level of detail to achieve maximum performances.
  • Procedural foliage generation through temperature, humidity, height, noise mask, slope parameters and clusters.
  • Noise-based biome system customizable C++
  • Import HeightMaps 8/16bits : View + View
  • Surface Collision : View
  • NavMesh : View
  • WaterPlugin: View
  • Procedural Wind
  • Materials Procedural for surface.
  • Realistic Gravity for planet(Experimental)

Code Modules:

  •  WorldScapeCore – Runtime
  •  WorldScapeEditor, WorldScapeFactory, WorldScapeNoise, WorldScapeVolume – Editor