Unreal Engine –Ultimate Spline Camera System UE388

Ultimate Spline Camera System

If you ever dreamed for your own UE4/5 game project to get a AAA camera multi systems for your third person Scroller or Top Down game, this is the ultimate solution for any 2D/3D games that is working in few clicks with any kind of character or pawn. No need to set anything to possess the camera in game, the USCS automatically sets everything for you, even with the Lyra, UE5 Manny, or the ALS.v4 system (Uscs override directly the ALS/3rdPerson camera).


USCS has 3 systems that interact with each other automatically:

“Ultimate Splines Camera System”: Allows you to set as many splines camera as you want in your level. The camera “travels” from one spline to another according to your transition settings (smooth/instant…).

“Ultimate Camera Switcher”: You can switch between TPS/FPS character cameras, Splines cameras, and Static Scene Cameras placed in the Level, all of that with or without time transition…

“Character Cameras Switcher”: You can switch between your TPS/FPS cameras and any other USCS system according to your transition setting (smooth/instant…).

Everything is possible, the camera can go from one spline to another, with or without multiple spline branches! You can also attach the system (spline or static cameras) to anything you want (a static mesh, a moving enemy, even your own character…), the camera will move to wherever you want always according to your transitions settings (smoothly/hardly/with special angle/rotation/speed…).

The system settings can be set universal for the entire Level, but always can be modified on every individual Spline/Scene Static cameras plaed in the Level. Like this, it is possible for example to start the level with a scrolling camera,to continue with a Third/First person game camera, and finish the level with a Top Down camera.


I know the price is very low considering the number of unique options of USCS, and the incoming future great features that are listed below. Buy it now before the price increases, this price is a real gift…

UPDATE 1.3 (April 13, 2022):

  • New immersive “Fade In” for a better game Start experience
  • System Optimisation for a perfect stability of the camera at extrem angle use conditions

Update 1.4 (April 25, 2022):

  • Little Nightmare camera control system: Control camera rotation with a Gamepad Right Thumbstick

Update 1.5 (April 28, 2022):

  • Spawn a Character out of a ZoneInfluencer
  • New tutorial map to explain this new option

Update 1.6 (May 06, 2022):

  • New system “Utimate Camera switcher”: Now, every cameras systems transition/combination path are possible in one click
  • Map: “Tutorial02-SurveillanceCam” now includes an example of this new interactive Static Camera system.

Update(1.7),(June 01, 2022):

  • Ultimate Camera switcher: Tracking Player options
  • Ultimate Camera switcher: Control Camera Rotation with controller
  • Resident Evil Camera system
  • Crash Bandicoot Camera System (Camera tracks and follows Player along a defined path with options)
  • New PDF doc: More simple, more pictures and less text
  • New video: How to set EXTREMELY EASILY / QUICKLY the 3 different USCS systems with Zero options (basic setting)

Update(1.8),(December 01, 2022):

  • Auto Select Player Pawn or Player Character (Asked by customer)
  • Zero lag improvement + New Lag options (Asked by customer)

Update (1.9),(March 13, 2023):

  • Metroid Dread Camera system + Fade in between camera system (Asked by customer)
  • New Demo Map: Fade component system useable on any camera
  • FadeIn when Start Game improved (asked by customer)
  • Improve Camera Transition From “Spline Camera to Spline Camera” when game start with a Spline Camera

Update (1.9.2),(March 15, 2023):

  • New icons + little optimisations

Update (1.9.3),(March 27, 2023):

  • USCS “UE5.2 Ready” using UE5.2 preview (Update only if you work on UE5, useless for UE4 users)

Next Update (2.0):

  • New system: Instant camera transition “from any system to any system” simply by pressing one button (Asked by customer, almost finished)
  • Improved Spline to Spline Camera smooth transition (Asked by customer, finished)
  • Camera instant switch with full stability (no flashing image when switching) (Asked by customer, finished)
  • Map Tutorial 08 with all the new advanced systems ready to be tested

Future features, work in progress:

  • Switcher Cinecam/Camera on the fly (to do in priority for a customer, finished)
  • Morphing between Camera & Cinecam (Almost finished, Asked by customer)
  • Fade Player by distance to the camera (Asked by customer)
  • USCS to Sequencer <=> Sequencer to USCS advanced transitions options (Almost finished, Asked by customer)
  • For people who use Checkpoint: Option to set last camera start location to last Checkpoint location
  • Fade out camera new parameters when dying (Asked by customer)
  • Camera or Cinecam choice and transition (Asked by customer, finished)
  • Switch to Cinematic Camera during game automatically, or in one click.
  • Movable Camera Cinematic system (player can influence the orientation of the movie cameras during cinematic.
  • Alan Wake switch to Cinematic System.
  • Camera shake, more options.
  • Ultimate Camera switcher: New option that allows you to set it to watch/don’t watch in the direction of anything moving you want in your scene (character/moving pawn/moving mesh), with or without customisable lag rotation.
  • Ultimate Camera switcher: New cut scene option (cinematic) allow the static camera to pause the character controller the time the camera go to watch something else and come back to its play game state. Also add a button to bypass any cinematic scene.
  • Custom controller that allows player to get an adaptative control when switching between USCS camera and USCS attached to 3rd person camera control.
  • All System fully Replicated
  • Fade out component, fully configurable, with activation choice (by death, by trigger, by camera…)
  • Compatibility with an advanced camera rendering from the marketplace (ask if you want more compatibilities ==> studiocloe1@gmail.com).
  • Add a “cut scene” (cinematic) button to transform USCS camera in a cinematic camera in only one click, and have the possibility to switch back to the game USCS camera in one click (or one Bool to set it in other of your game BP.
  • Crash Bandicoot Custom Controller system.
  • Resident Evil Custom Controller system.
  • Give the possibility to spawn first the camera system, then later a character.

You want more options on USCS system? Simply email me, if it is possible, I will add it in the next update ==> studiocloe1@gmail.com

Technical Details

10 tutorial Maps.

4 Blueprints.

1 Components.


  • Keyboard: Arrows=move, spacebar=jump.
  • PS4-5/Xbox controllers preconfigured (All Moves/Jump/Right thumbstick customisable Control camera rotation)

Supported Target Platforms: All


  • Doc. PDF (V1.8): Link
  • 1 video “fast install” Tutorial (V1.9): Link
  • 6 videos detailed Tutorials: Link
  • 2 Videos Fade Showcase: Link
  • 4 videos Showcase: Link
  • 1 video example Climb with ALS: Link
  • 1 video example Scrolling mini game: Link
  • 1 video example Topdown mini game: Link