Unreal Engine – Achievepedia UE8781


Technical Details

Blueprints: 6 Structs: 7 Enums: 2 Textures: 12 Sounds: 10 Datatables: 5

List of features:

• Achievements • Locations • Objects • Characters • Notes

• Different sound per type

• custom name colors per unlock

• custom button/bg color per unlock

• Easy to add and change information per type

• Pre-made character settings -> Name, age, guild, location, gender, status, occupation, race and description

• Pre-made location settings -> Image, description, small image, small description

• Pre-made notes settings -> Note name, sender, destination, found note at, image and note context

• Pre-made object settings -> Name, Origin, type, value, rarity, image and description

• Pre-made achievement settings -> Name, color, bg color, small image

• Hidden achievements (only know what the achievement is until unlocked)

• Option to notify user of unlock or not

• Option to set preferred length of notify per unlock

• Time when unlocked achievement • Unlock progress bar for achievements • Unlocked x out of x text

Intended Platforms: All

Tested Platform: Windows

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