Unreal Engine – AI Behavior Toolkit UE8668

AI Behavior Toolkit

Number of Blueprints: 69

List of Features:

  • Powerful and flexible Behavior State system
  • Includes 11 built-in Behavior states (Idle, Follow, Flee, Patrol, Seek, AttackMelee, AttackRanged, Defend, Hit, Investigate)
  • Create any type of NPCs ranging from Civilians, Animals, Companions, Enemies and even Badass Bosses, and more!
  • Easy to integrate with it’s plug-and-play nature. Just add a component!
  • Includes 7 built-in Triggers (OnSight, LoseSight, Message, Delay, WithinDistance, BeyondDistance, Health)
  • Behavior Chaining lets you create cohesive and complex AI behaviors
  • Add animations and audio with ease!
  • Easily extend or create your own AI Behaviors and Triggers
  • Create believable and living worlds using Workspaces Actor
  • Parkour system for AI
  • Patrol waypoint system for AI
  • Path Corner actors for triggering AI tasks and events in the scene
  • AI Spawner to dynamically spawn AI characters
  • Blueprints and Behavior Tree based
  • Includes health and damage system
  • Example RPG, Shooter, Stealth, and Flying AI
  • AI Parkour system and Ladder system
  • Rootmotion animation blueprints
  • Multiplayer support

Intended Platform: Desktop, Console, Mobile

Platforms Tested: Windows

Documentation Included:

User Guide

Video Tutorials