Unreal Engine – RuntimeLoadFbx UE8639


Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

  • Runtime Load Fbx file
  • Async/sync Supported
  • Convert To UStaticMeshComponent/UProceduralMeshComponent
  • Support speed of progress callback with param filepath and pos bettwen 0 and 1,Finish callback with param filepath and final actor that import complete
  • Collision type selection: no collision/simple collision/complex collision default
  • Generate actor class switch:null is AActor class and also can change to your own actor class
  • With Material/Texture
  • Single Model /All Scene in A Fbx Supported
  • C++、BluePrint Supported
  • High Fbx version Supported[FBXSDK 2020.2 inside]
  • Easy to use ,4 Functions directly
  • Plugin RuntimeLoadFbx [Runtime]
  • Starting from UE5.3, The plugin will not support Collision for UStaticMeshComponent, If you don’t care about collisions , you can still import as UStaticMeshComponent .Please import as UProceduralMeshComponent if the collision is needed

Number of Blueprints:0

Number of C++ Classes:9

Network Replicated: (Yes/No) No

Supported Development Platforms: (Windows X64)

Supported Target Build Platforms: (Windows X64)