Unreal Engine – Smart Locomotion UE8635

Smart Locomotion

  • Replicated and Optimized for Multiplayer !
  • FPS and TPS Cameras
  • Walk, Run, Crouch and Swim Locomotions
  • Sword and Pistol Combats Stances
  • Parkour System with Mantling, Vaulting, Sliding and Roll
  • Procedural Ladders with Realistic Climbing
  • Ragdoll and Recoveries
  • AI Support
  • Procedural Leaning while Walking and Running
  • Footsteps Sounds with Surface Types
  • Swimming with Water Plugins Support
  • Foot IK Placement
  • Left, Right, and Up Camera Tilting with Shoulder Switch
  • Semi-Procedural Turn-in Place
  • Procedural Aiming
  • Free Look
  • Rotation Mode Toggle with Debug Arrows
  • Right and Left Procedural Leaning
  • 50+ High Quality Animations
  • 40+ High Quality Sounds
  • Easy to Integrate with the use of actor components, fully optimized with multi-threaded animation updates and Interface blueprint, all the code is clear, without bloat and commented !

Number of Blueprints: 12+

Input: Keyboard, Mouse

Network Replicated: Yes

Supported Development Platforms: All