Unreal Engine – VR Hands Grab System UE8504

VR Hands Grab System

Trailer: Example Items | Trailer: VR Hands Grab trailer | Review by CMVR: On Youtube

Playable Demo Download(Latest UE5.4)

Documentation: Doc (UE4.26/4.27)


Also have a look at VR Shooting Range TOOLKIT


  • Runtime finger position prediction on the grabbed object’s surface
  • Set up multiple grab points for one object
  • 5 Example items with 4096×4096
  • Interactable Lever (On,Off position with LED)
  • Interactable Grenade With VFX
  • Throwing knife/axe assist logic (ballistic prediction)
  • Grab loc visualizer
  • Physics collision (e.g grabbed items won’t go through walls)

Static Meshes: 10

Textures: 24

Materials: 12

M Instances: 11 /M Functions: 2

VFX: 2 / Sounds: 1

Replicated: No/Windows(Yes), Tested on VIVE / QUEST 2