Unreal Engine – Pro Main Menu V3 Blue Edition UE8139

Pro Main Menu V3 Blue Edition


  • CommonUI System Integration
  • Fully usable CommonInputBase databases with 500 Input icons
  • Dynamic layout switching between input types
  • Saveable settings: Graphics / Display / Control / Input / Audio / Language / Credits
  • Pre-built localization with Localization Dashboard

Used Plugins: CommonUI Plugin (UE5 + UE5.1)

Gamepad-Support: Yes

Network Replicated: No (Widgets are always clientside)

Number of Blueprint Classes: 39

Number of Widgets: 36

Number of Materials: 31

Number of Textures: 586

Used Fonts: Aileron

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac

Supported Build Platforms: Windows, Mac

Note: Before you purchase, please make sure that you have a good experience with blueprints and the engine in general. This asset can save a lot of time, but general basic knowledge is a prerequisite for implementation.