Unreal Engine – Hyper Multiplayer Survival Template Starter MST UE8078

Hyper Multiplayer Survival Template Starter [MST]

Enhanced Input

·        Network Replicated

·        Anticipated cross-platform functionality, although currently tested on Windows

·        Primary logic implemented in actor components, allowing for easy drag-and-drop integration onto an actor

·        Utilizes data tables where applicable


Blueprints: 335

Widgets: 81

Meshes: 428

Materials: 226

Textures: 970

Animation Sequences: 114

Size: ~12GB (due to textures and animations) ~2GB Packaged

Multiplayer Survival Template [MST]

You can use Hyper’s modular assets as a building block in your projects or in conjunction with my other modular assets. Upgrade anytime from Starter to Plus, Starter to Pro or Plus to Pro.

Support, community and documentation📁

Upon purchase verification, you gain access to support forums for addressing bug encounters, data models, and a helpful community.

Documentation📑and YouTube 🎥 is accessible through Discord without the need for verification.

I comment extensively in the code, not just to explain actions but also to provide insights into their reasons, aiming to enhance your learning experienc