Unreal Engine – Basic Locomotion System REPLICATED UE8060

Basic Locomotion System REPLICATED基本运动系统5.3虚幻UE5蓝图


  • Metahuman Support
  • 8-Way Directional Movement
  • Smooth Rotation
  • Turn-In-Place
  • Overlay States (Pistol, Rifle)
  • Aim Offset (Pistol, Rifle)
  • Multiple Stances (Crouch, Walk, Run)
  • Male/Female Support
  • Inventory System
  • Weapon System


  • 41 Animations
  • 1 Actor Component (AC_Inventory)
  • 2 Meshes (Pistol, Rifle)
  • 2 Actor Blueprints (BP_Pickup, BP_Gun)
  • 2 Child Blueprints (BP_Pistol, BP_Rifle)
  • 1 Character Blueprint (BP_Player_Character)
  • 2 Animation Blueprints (ABP_Male, ABP_Female)
  • 3 Particle Effects (Pistol Flash, Rifle Flash, Bullet Impact)
  • 8 Sound Effects (Weapons, Footsteps and Background Audio)

Network Replicated: [Yes]

Supported Development Platforms:

  • Windows: (Yes)
  • Mac: (Yes)


UE 5.0 has a bug using blendmasks which makes the overlay states not working when the project opens for the first time.

To solve this issue:

  1. Open the Animation Blueprint, Compile, Save.
  2. Open Character Blueprint, Compile, Save.

Everything should be working now. This is not my fault sorry, the problem was already reported to Epic.

Epic Report: https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/something-problematic-with-the-blend-mask-and-the-animation-blueprint/616206/8