Unreal Engine – Animalia Lion male UE7881

Animalia - Lion (male)

Scaled to Epic Skeleton: Yes

Rigged: Yes

Rigged to Epic Skeleton: No

Animated: Yes

Number of Characters: 2

Vertex Counts of Characters: 7659, 12126 (bone mesh)

Texture Resolutions: 4k

Number of Animations: 102 (not counting In-place)

Animation Types: Root Motion and In-place

Supported Development Platforms: All

Supported Target Build Platforms: All

Documentation: http://gim.studio/animalia-user-manual/

Locomotion speed:

  • WalkBack   41.6 cm/s ; 1.4976 km/h
  • Sneak      53.04 cm/s ; 1.90944 km/h
  • WalkSlow   87.36 cm/s ; 3.14496 km/h
  • Walk      116.48 cm/s ; 4.19328 km/h
  • Trot      382.909 cm/s ; 13.7847 km/h
  • Run         1248.0 cm/s ; 44.928 km/h
  • Sprint      2246.4 cm/s ; 80.8704 km/h