Unreal Engine – Signage VOL 2 Town and City Nanite and Low Poly UE7777

Signage VOL.2 - Town and City (Nanite and Low Poly)


  • 230 Meshes ( Split between nanite and low poly versions of each mesh including additional variant meshes)
  • High quality and fidelity texture sets – 4k textures
  • Master material setup that control the majority of all props and models
  • Additional controls for roughness, albedo, normals and more
  • Channel packed Roughness | Metalness | Ambient Occlusion
  • Realistic Post Process and Look Up Table
  • Optimized for games
  • Most assets that have color are tintable
  • Includes both nanite and low poly versions of each mesh
  • Free of all legal issues as all branding and labels are custom made by our studio
  • Fully detailed models
  • This product supports Lumen for Unreal Engine 5.0+ (Unreal Documentation)

Scaled to Epic Skeleton: Yes

Collision: Yes, automatically generated and per-poly mix based on complexity of asset

Vertex Count: Displayed in Documentation

LODs: SmallProp

Number of Meshes: 230

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 64

Number of Textures: 194

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Supported Target Build Platforms: Window/Mac/PS4/Xbox

Documentation and Creditshttps://www.notion.so/dekogon/Signage-c118def2aba34e03817bdba64cddc7d9?pvs=4

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