Unity-CCG Kit U3581


The #1 CCG kit for Unity.

CCG Kit is the most complete tool to create your own multiplayer collectible card games with Unity.

This asset is a great starting point to develop your own multiplayer CCG/TCG and also to learn about how such a project can be architected and implemented.

📚  Documentation
퟉�  F.A.Q. (Frequently asked questions)
🗣  Discord server (with private channel for customers)


• Server-authoritative multiplayer functionality leveraging UNET.

• Integrated editor that allows to specify the game’s fundamental properties and create new cards in a visual way.

• Includes complete demo game in the spirit of the genre’s classics.

• Includes single-player mode against AI as a reference.

• Game user interface that makes extensive use of Unity’s UI system.

• Complete and extensively documented C# source code.

• Includes official integration with Master Server Kit for dedicated server setups (Master Server Kit needs to be purchased separately).

• Complete set of unique graphics designed by ricimi.


• Conjure Cards: an online, VR-based CCG developed by Soaring Roc.


• Unity version: CCG Kit is compatible with Unity 2020.3.20 LTS.

Please note the kit is not compatible with Unity 2021, because UNET has been deprecated in this version. Read more about the kit’s compatibility here.


• Please note this is not a visual scripting framework; you will need to know how to program in C# in order to use and further customize and extend the asset.

• Please note the kit does NOT include any server-side persistent storage features (e.g., card shop, card packs purchasing and opening, tournaments, etc.). Please read the Frequently asked questions carefully before purchasing in order to get a better picture of which features are included with the kit and which are not. You can always reach us if you have any further questions and we will