Unity – Volumetric Blood Fluids U3526

Volumetric Blood Fluids

Works on all platforms (PC/Consoles/Mobiles) instead of WebGL

Supported URP/HDRP 12+


Pack includes 17 blood prefabs with baked fluids and decals


Android DEMO



-Works out of the box.

Just drag and drop on a scene

-Easy scaling (using transform scale)

-Any color

-Any layer for the decal rendering

-Decals appear to depend on the height of a blood position (up to 2~5 meters)

-Used screen space decals for standard rendering and native decals system for urp/hdrp

It’s fast enough. This method does not duplicate a mesh like a projector and used only 12 triangles per decal.

-Used instanced rendering for the blood and decals You can render the same blood prefab 500 times in two draw calls

-The number of triangles per effect 3k-6k.


Blood decals on animated models have artifacts (the decal is static relative to the skinned mesh), so it is recommended to use decals only with static surfaces (terrain/floor/etc)