Unreal Engine – Train Rail Roller Coaster System UE6135

Train, Rail & Roller Coaster System

Technical Details

Blueprints: 9 (+6 Demo blueprints)

Maps: 8 Example maps, 1 overview

Models: 19 (6 Train, 2 mine cart, 2 coaster, 3 tracks & 6 demo models)

Number of Materials: 14

Do Materials derive from a Master Material with instances as variation: Yes

Number of Textures: 15 (4k for train, 1-2k for demo models)


All blueprints commented and with helper comments on where to extend sections

Documentation provided for all major blueprints including detailed descriptions of every component, macro, function and variable

Train Carriage

Select a track in the world and the carriage (or entire train if parent) will snap to it

Customize entire look & feel all meshes can be swapped out

Highly configurable engine / physics: friction, gravity, mass, acceleration, deceleration as well as max speed, min speed

Collision filtering, E.g. ignore the player pawn

Customize the derail force, higher = more interesting crashes

Timed collision ignore list for each carriage

Parent carriages pass their settings down to the child (can be disabled)

Ability to specify how far apart child and parent carriages should be

Distance checks can be enabled and the child can disconnect from the parent if the distance is too great

By default all carriages come with the Lean Effect and the Roll Effect (the mine cart has a custom jump effect)

Lean Effect, ability for the carriage to lean on or out of a bend, creating a cartoon lean effect

Roll effect is used to derail a carriage if it goes around a bend that’s too sharp.

Events for post update to carriage as well as enter and leave each section of track

My original feature list is too long, check out the public documentation for more details and features.