Unreal Engine –Casino Games UE1034

Casino Games

A collection of casino games including blackjack, keno, slot machine and a prize wheel that can only be used every 5 minutes. There is a money system with the ability to use an ATM and transfer money from wallet, checking, and savings accounts. Can Interact with casino clerk, rent hotel rooms, and even use telephone from room to initiate activities, also there is a working elevator.

There is now a save and load system included.

Showcase Video



  •  Blackjack Game
  •  Keno Game
  •  Slots Game
  • Money System with ATM
  • Card Textures
  • Prize Wheel
  • Save and Load System

Number of Blueprints: 28

Input: (Gamepad, Keyboard, Mouse)

Network Replicated: (No)

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: (Yes)

Mac: (Not Tested)

Documentation Videos

Important/Additional Notes: Will be making tutorial videos as people request them, also join the discord server I am always willing to help out with the template if needed.