Unreal Engine – MCO Mocap Basics UE5853

MCO Mocap Basics

Technical Details

Please see the Store Page for each individual Pack for more Details and Technical Specs.

Overall Specs:

  • All Animations UE4 Engine 4.10 – 5.xx compatible.

For Retargeting to UE 5.xx Manny please use our Painless, Quick and Easy retargeting tools – DOWNLOAD HERE:


  • Skeleton and Animation assets only, no Blueprints.
  • This bundled Project has an “A” reference Pose, for use with the Retarget Manager. It can be switched to “T” and back with the included “A” and “T” Pose FBX files. Details here: A and T Pose Conversion
  • Root Motion and In­ Place Animations.
  • All animations are on the UE4 Epic stock SK_Mannequin skeleton with IK bones.
  • FBX source files are also included as single Take animations on the UE4 stock skeleton. They are in “\ProjectName\Source\FBX\” along with other Documentation and Files in the Source folder.
  • A Motionbuilder 2015 file is included with the UE4 template skeleton setup with the the HIK rig.
  • A Maya 2015 file is included with the UE4 template skeleton setup with the the HIK rig.