Unreal Engine – Cel Shader Outline UE5501

Cel-Shader & Outline

Technical Details


  • Material instance options to independently control shadow/specular thresholds, colors, light influence, brightness, fresnel, etc.
  • Shadow/specular thresholds can be offset by vertex color values or Textures. This is similar to a technique used in Arc System Works games such as GG XRD to give artists more control over what parts of a mesh are shaded, lit, or highlighted. The same can be used to control outline thickness when using an inverted hull outline.
  • Five different light types: directional, point, spot, area, and shadow.
  • Lights are on separate channels and can be combined with other channels individually selectable in Material instances.
  • All cel-shade lights are movable and have various options including color, brightness, range, and falloff, all of which can be changed at runtime.
  • There are 8 different cel-shade light channels although, more can be added in the respective Material function.
  • UE4’s lighting can also be used in conjunction with cel-shade lighting.
  • Inverted hull mesh outlines scale with distance and include a noise option for a more stylized outline with varying line thickness.
  • Post process outline is also included as an alternative to inverted hull outline
  • “Simple” cel-shader Material that has fewer features, but is more performant and easier to use than the main cel-shader Material.

Materials: 2 Cel-shade Master, 3 outline Master

Blueprint: Cel-shade light
