Unreal Engine – Street Gangs set for Stylized Male UE5312
Technical Details
Clothing items are split as head items/upper items/lower items/hands/feet
Male and Female items are built around the official Epic male and female skeleton. An extra “Tall Female” variant is also included.
Buff male items made for the unique PO-Art buff bodytype which can receive animations from the standard Epic Male.
Rigged : Yes
Rigged to Epic skeleton : Yes
Animated : Yes (includes custom run cycles and custom idles. Jump animations are duplicated from the Epic third person example)
Number of characters : 4 (male, female, tall female, buff male), modular
Vertex counts of characters : male base model 17112 tris, female base model 8524 tris, buff male base model 8944 tris
Materials : one master material for skin + one master material for clothes
Texture resolutions : each individual clothing item uses a 1024*1024 texture set (color, metalness, roughness, normal, AO). Characters body and heads use 2048*2048 textures.
Supported platforms : all
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