Unity – Curvy Splines 8 U3175

Curvy Splines 8

Asset features

  • Spline properties and authoring
    • Types: Bezier, B-Splines, Catmull-Rom, TCB, Linear
    • Contextual and customizable Scene view editor
    • Branches/Junctions/Connections
    • Projection on colliders
    • Mixing/Blending
    • Predefined and custom shapes
    • Annotations through metadata
    • Splines & Control Points are GameObjects. Compatible with familiar tools such as Unity’s inspector and handles.
    • Import/Export: JSON, SVG
  • Spline usage
    • Object movement (physics compatible)
    • Object placement/scattering
    • Procedural mesh generation
    • Mesh deformation
    • Path display
    • Node-based editor for operations on splines/objects/meshes
    • Unity UI (uGUI) elements movement
    • PlayMaker actions