Unity – Toony Colors Pro 2 U3142

Toony Colors Pro 2

● Shader generator tool: create your own shaders among dozens of functions
● Automatically compatible with built-in and general-purpose rendering pipeline Hybrid Shader
● Desktop/Mobile shaders
● PBS version shaders that support metallic and specular workflows
● Water Stencils: generate your own stylized water shaders with depth effects, reflections and more
●Smooth Normals Tool: Repair broken hard-edged contours
● Texture Pothole Tool: Easily create bumpy textures and see changes on your material in real time
● Extensive and well-documented documentation: Check out the links below!

See the docs for more information!
Don’t hesitate to check out the reviews now to see what other users think! :)

Mix shader options:
– Gradient shading (smooth, clear, banded or textured)
– Highlight/Shadow Color (color or texture of shadows)
– Specular (GGX PBR, Stylized or Clear)
– Rim lighting
– reflection detector
– occlusion
– Normal map
– Mesh outline (reverse hull technique)
– rim lighting
– constant pixel size outline
– Transparency (alpha blending and alpha testing)