Unity – Rope Toolkit U3109

Rope Toolkit


* Stable & fast rope physics

* Mobile friendly!

* Many tweakable user parameters

* Ability to dynamically split ropes using the SplitAt() method

* 4 different rope connection types allow interaction with the rest of the scene

– Pin Rope To Transform

– Pin Transform To Rope

– Pull Rigidbody To Rope

– Two Way Coupling Between Rigidbody And Rope

* Scene view handles for adjusting rope spawn curve

* High performance is achieved using Unity jobs and the Burst compiler

– Typical performance for the example scene with collisions enabled:

– ~0.2 ms spent in job threads

– ~0.7 ms spent on the main thread

– Typical performance for the example scene with collisions disabled:

– ~0.15 ms spent in job threads

– ~0.35 ms spent on the main thread

* Full source code

* Example scenes

– Main

– Shows how ropes and rigidbodies can be connected together in a typical scene

– Use the mouse to interact with the rope and the Space key to split ropes being interacted with

– DynamicAttach

– Shows how to attach and detach ropes using the scripts

– BoxingRing

– Shows how rope and rigidbodies can influence each other through collisions


Current Limitations

* Collision support for convex Mesh, Box, Sphere and Capsule colliders only

* Scripting knowledge required for creating stable rope suspended platforms other than rope bridges