Unreal Engine – Atmospheric House Modular UE2660

Atmospheric House (Modular)

Technical Details

Please note: If you use default first person character, adjust character’s Capsule Radius to 45 or lower to be able to walk through doorways. Maximum Loop Iteration Count needs to be set 2 000 000 for BP_Material_swapper to work correctly on demo scenes.


  • Construction blueprints for walls out/in/basement, floors/ceilings, roofs, porch, stairs and doors.
  • Material swapper blueprint: Change all map materials from clean to worn and vice versa.
  • Material swapper blueprint: Swap specific map material to another one.
  • Modular meshes work with grid snapping.
  • Clean and worn textures/materials for all objects.
  • Main house materials are tweakable; more or less worn look and adjustable paint color.
  • Doors, windows, drawers and cabinets have separate mesh components/blueprints and can be opened, but package does not come with playable opening and closing function.
  • Night demo map. (Old and worn look)
  • Day demo map. (New and clean look)
  • Approximately 1.1 million triangles in demo scene. (With disabled realtime lights and no culling)
  • Optimized lightning for games.
  • Demo maps use baked lightmaps. For Ue5 there is also lumen version of the night worn demo map. Lumen map requires higher end pc.

Number of Unique Meshes: 676

Collision: Yes, automatic and custom

LODs: For high triangle count objects only.

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 8 Materials, 219 Material instances

Number of Textures: 608

Texture Resolutions: Mostly 2k and 4k, few from 256 to 1k

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: No

Important notes:

Maximum Loop Iteration Count needs to be set 2 000 000 from project settings for BP_Material_swapper to work correctly.